Member-only story
#45 Sleep with me
Sleep with me
Cuddle me inside these warm blankets
It’s winter’s white cold out there
in weather and in people humanity
more and more
So hug me, let me feel your embrace
Caress my arms, gently
Feeling your warmth heating my body
Let me compass your breathing
And feel it slow down as you fall asleep
nothing more than silence and that dim light
that doesn’t oblige you to do anything
no time schedules of any kind
Let me close my eyes
and feel like we’re just one
Entangled like baby cats
touching innocently but strongly
let me feel your inner child
Feel that sexless fuzzy sweet vibe
We don’t need to have sex
We are just suspended in space
exchanging peace and timeless love
through our pores and molecules
so good to be aware of this comfort
nothing more needed, just the absence of thoughts
and this focus on the heat of your skin
In a state that conquers time
very close
almost too close
of the divine.